Authentication vs Authorization

These terms are often used interchangeably. However, they do mean different things.


  • Related to verifying identity.
  • Before letting someone use a service, you want to verify that their identity is authentic
  • It’s common to offer a challenge to an entity to verify their identity:
    • For example, require an entity to provide a username/password combination that matches your records

Methods of Authentication

  • Email/Username
  • Cryptographic token/key
  • Biometric data


  • The act of determining whether an entity has the “right” or “privilege” to do something.
  • Authorization is usually performed after an entity has been authenticated.

Role Based Access Control

  • Common method of authorizing an entities rights/privileges.
  • Various rights and privileges are assigned to roles.
  • Roles can be assigned to entities directly or to a group of entities.
  • When authenticating an entity, check if the entity’s assigned roles or groups permit it to complete the requested action.